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A Look Back

In 1995, DinoMights founded by John Foley

Phillips, Powderhorn, and Central are Minneapolis neighborhoods with an infamous reputation for gangs and low test scores. Yet, in the midst of these conditions John Foley, the son of longtime Faith Covenant pastor Ross Foley, founded DinoMights in 1995. John saw past the statistics into the beautiful faces of the children. What he saw was a lack of opportunities and positive long-term relationships with caring adults. And so, DinoMights was founded to make a holistic impact on the lives of Minneapolis inner city youth.

Since then, DinoMights has impacted an entire generation of hockey players in Minneapolis.  

First team of DinoMights

DinoMights First Hockey Team

Learn About DinoMights by Watching a Few of our Videos

Below are a few DinoMight videos that have been featured at Fundraisers, Trophy Banquets, and local news. To watch a video just click play.